We begun by taking the carbs off both bikes and the one on the red bike was so bad that it's good only for spare parts. The gas tank on the red one was also rusted right through the bottom. Neither bikes had batteries or all the wires hooked up. I did a compression test on both bikes, red one had 30 psi and silver one had 60 psi. I pulled the better carb apart and Briget cleaned the whole thing up with a toothbrush and some carb cleaner then I put it back together. I put it on the silver bike and added some gas. I couldn't get spark no matter what I did, even after putting voltage directly to the positive side of the coil. Using a multimeter, I discovered that the points were not making contact because of corrosion. A little rubbing with emory cloth and they were making contact again, and I got spark. I couldn't kick the engine over fast enough to fire so we pull started the bike. It fired up and drove surprisingly well. Then we did the same process with the red bike and it fired up and drove as well. Here are the pics and the video.
Check out the homemade screw in the carb |
The fuel filter is full of junk |
Trying to get spark |
Silver bike running
Red bike running